uri ilgi

Stories I would like to share

Surat keji aku….

on June 26, 2007

Hi XXXX ( boss- nama di rahsiakan),

Regarding the subject mentioned above, I would like to know why on earth does only a few people are scheduled to answer the call 7919? Are all other members so damn important that they are not supposed to be bugged when doing their precious BAU? ( BAU nih biznes as Usual :p)

Anyway, I expected that it would only be fair that the calls answering should be assign equally to all other team members. I don’t see the reasons why others did not have the time to answer the call as when the self assessment review you will actually count the request numbers and id created based on average for all the team members. So when we are answering calls logically speaking the number of request completed will be less than others. So how can you calculate the number of request created based on average? Of course the average will be different.

And when answering calls you cannot concentrate on doing a lot of request, too many distractions on people calling about this and that. Please reconsider the calls answering rotation.. So that I won’t assume that people answering calls are considered as not important team members.

And I would like to suggest another thing, as for our current practice where all the assignments are assigned by TL to us all, I hope you can see that the system is not working really well in terms of clearing the past ETCs (Estimated time completion :p). This is due to that sometimes there are some assignments that were assigned to us are assignments where we are not familiar or we don’t have any idea on what the platform is all about. This kind of request will actually be ignored as we don’t always have the time to learn all the new stuff currently with all the workload. I’m not denying the fact that we do need to learn on new platform but I think for now the most important part is clearing the past etcs request where nowadays we can see that more emails coming in from users asking on the status of the past etcs request where sometimes they were assigned to parties who does not know how to implement it.

Anyway this is just a suggestion to improve our team as my concerns are in the end, we will be evaluate on the requests completed based on the etc date. And why should the request generated with the date assigned and not the scheduled date? This is very hard for us to know the completion date without opening the dssr ( errr.. terms we use for the id request :P)itself. As I said, in the end we will be evaluated on the date that the request is completed and not the date it was assigned. So why bother to look on the assignment date when our concerns should be the completion date itself?

Anyway, just to state that I’m not here to show anything or to blame anyone. And just to be clear that I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just simple suggestions to improve the team. That’s all.


Should you require any further assistance, please contact me at the below extension.

Best Regards,


Security Request Management
Fone Net: x-6002-2017
Tel: 603 – 8992 2017

General line : 603 – 89927919
Fone Net: x-6002-7919
KL Global Shared Service Centre
Standard Chartered Group


Ouh yeah…. konon hari tuh aku nk mengambil langakh utk mendiamkan diri dan tidak mahu berkata ape2 kepada boss baru…. Malangnya dia sudah melampaui batasku… maka aku sudah hantar satu angry mail…. Hohohoho ( yerr.. aku mmg gile :p)…. Bekerja ngan company yang racist hebat mmg menjadikan aku terlebih gila…. huhuuhh…. ade kerje yang menarik nk offer aku??


anyway… gambo diatas nih adalah gambo org2 yang kepala sudah jadi gile sbb keje ngan company yang indah khabar dr rupa inih 😛

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